So most people know we sell on Etsy. About a year or so ago they introduced video clips to display an item and it's qualities. I don't use it often mostly because, well. I'm just not talented as a videographer. :) It's a terrific feature to show more than a flat image. We all know a photo is worth 1000 words but a video is worth infinite words. Given a choice, would you watch a quick video clip or spend a few moments reading the description? You should read the description, don't get me wrong, but ALSO watch the vid if it's available.
Now I know I could use TicTok (??) but even after an embarrassing lengthy conversation with my pre-teen grandson who patiently tried to guide his Gram, I still just...don' I'm no luddite. I love my tech. The more tech the better. But some of these apps are a different story.
So all that to say when taking vids, sometimes they go wrong. That can be frustrating, maybe painful but always funny. This vid clip is why I usually don't make them!
Those are our newest product offering. Needle Minders. And in that video the needed clearly had a mind of it's own.
No humans were hurt during the 9 seconds of this video. No stiches were needed. Wine was liberally applied following said video.
Have a wonderful weekend!