It's Okay to Not be Okay

It's Okay to Not be Okay

Managing grief sounds like it would be simple but it's much more complicated than accepting that someone you love is gone.

Grief manifests in many ways and does not have a one size fits all option. Each person grieves in their own way and in their own time.

Grief has no time limit.

We lost our youngest son on August 10th 2019 and even nearly 5 years later, we still grieve. We probably always will. It's not uncommon for me to burst into tears at the grocery store, having dinner with friends, everyday ordinary occasions.

Well meaning strangers usually find themselves alarmed at the weeping woman staring at the avocados and almost always ask if I am okay. Like most, sharing pain with a stranger is not something that comes easy or even willingly.

For that reason, I created a statement button to wear for when those occasions happen, people know why and are less likely to approach. (or call the cops) It's likely to be component of our in-the-works Grief Support Box that will be available shortly.

If you or someone you love is grieving, this would make a thoughtful gift.

Click to purchase one for yourself or someone you care about.


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